Come Celebrate ’90’s Country With The Music Of Mr. Tracy Byrd!

You know, for the most part on our show…the 1990’s in Country Music doesn’t get all that much attention.  Sure, we’ll play one every now and then, if it’s one of the greats…but I feel like there’s at least one 90’s Country star that hasn’t gotten the attention he deserves from us…

Folks, I’m talking about Mr. Tracy Byrd.

Tracy’s one of those 90’s artists that has modern production, but has a classic style to his voice.  You can really tell he’s spent many hours studying, and learning from the greats…

Need Proof?

Just check out the video below of Tracy, and fellow Texan Mark Chesnutt paying tribute to some of your classic Country favorites.

It’s seamless, folks! 

So make sure to tune in this week, and we’ll see you on the radio!

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